Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to care for birds kacer

Kacer Bird watching is one fighter that has the most exotic styles, in addition to his voice that is very intriguing. Caring for birds Kacer is very easy and fun. Adaptable, birds Kacer very easy to adjust to environmental changes. Easy tempered brawler. When other birds heard or seen similar birds, the spirit of direct combat raged. Daily care for birds Kacer relatively similar to other types of birds chirping.
Following this pattern, and Daily Care Daily Stelan for birds Kacer:
-Aerated birds on the patio 7:00 and on the patio. 07.30 the bird bath (bath or spray cages, depending on the habits of each bird).
-Clean the cage daily. Replace or add voer and Drinking Water.
-Give Crickets 3 tube tail on EF. Never give cricket directly on the birds.
-Drying can be done for 1-2 hours/day starting at 08:00 to 11:00. During drying, the birds should not see the bird kind.
-Once dried, winds back the bird outside the house for 10 minutes, then cover the cage with cloth.
-During the day until the afternoon (10:00 to 15:00 hours) birds can be Master or Master with the sound of birds Masters.
-On the patio 15:30 aerated bird again outside the house, should be bathed when necessary.
-Give Crickets 2 tails on Plash EF.
-On patio 18:00 cover the cage bird with cloth and heard the sound Master during the recess until the next morning.

Note, in the provision of Extra Fooding must be adapted to the character of each bird, such as fresh cricket given 1 tablespoon 4 times a week maximum. Giving 1 tail flukes given 2x a week. Give vitamins and minerals mixed in drinking water once a week.
Handling an experienced bird kacer drop:
-Increase the portion giving cricket a 5 am and 5 pm.
-Increase the portion cricket giving a daily basis.
-Give centipede 2 tail once a week.
-The shower made 2 days only.
-Bird to be isolated, do not see and hear the birds Kacer else first.
-The duration of drying was increased to 2-3 hours / day.
-Give Vitamins and Minerals.

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