Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Simple maintenance bird pleci

For bird care perci actually almost the same as how to care for the birds chirp in general. Noteworthy in particular is feeding and cleaning cages or enclosures. Following treatment pleci birds are:
-In the morning remove the bird pleci warms the body taste.
-After that, the birds pleci bathe with spray soft or wet suit up, usually in bathing with trying to provide splash or spray water where birds.
-After a shower to get wet, but drying will leave just enough water that is in the cage.
-Approximately a half hour, lift pleci and keep them in the shade, provide small caterpillars white hongkong (2-3 caterpillars hongkong are molting) but previously fed either in the form of fruit or a banana or other fruit or  voer.
-For insects can also use caterpillar cages, small crickets, or Kroto (not too much to give Kroto for the food).
-It may also give honey placed special or a little, or you can also give a polished honey on bananas (usually, if it was honey, bananas will not be eaten).

-After that allow it to late afternoon, early evening in may bathe as needed.
And enjoy the bird-chatter of your pleci time after bathe, sunbathe, and shaded.

Treatment doves

Merbuk or turtledove (Geopelia striata, Columbidae familia) is a kind of small bird, gray that kept many people because of the beauty of her voice. Turtledove is closely related to the cuckoo, Puter, and Merpati. In the wild, turtledoves generally live in groups with an environment that has grass, rocky hillside areas and in lowland and a lot of high grass. For everyday care turtledove to note is the adequacy of food and drink in the feed container turtledoves.
Good care can be through highly nutritious bird feed, often dried, and often bathed. Turtledove food generally consists of several kinds of grains such as millet, barley, black rice, godem, and grain. Additionally bathe turtledove, turtledoves generally bathe enough to hold it and wipe it with wet hands or can also hold then put it under a running faucet slowly. In shower turtledoves must be careful not to take in water up his nose.
The best time to turtledove shower is in the afternoon or in the evening. Bathe your turtledove once a week or every other day if you are very wild doves. With the frequent holding and bathing turtledoves will quickly tame and get to know its master. Even more important is the turtledove is drying because birds like the heat. In cold weather conditions typically turtledove bit lazy to sound. For treatment of turtledoves in the rainy season it's good to be given additional vitamin bird turtledove is more fit for birds like the heat.

How to Maintain Birds Pigeons

In general, seedlings should be healthy, strong and disease resistant. Parent used is the parent that is agile, has the nature of motherhood (mothering) high. Sex libido high stud shown just before females begin to lay eggs and continue during the egg-laying period. A parent can produce children 14-15 tail every year and can last for 4-5 years. Age parent about 2-3 years the number of children at least 14-18 tails, at least 4-5 years old 10-12 tillers tail. Marriage pigeons started at the age of 5-8 months. Egg production occurs between the ages of 12-18 months and continued until 2-3 years. Age is still considered profitable production of no more than 5-6 years.
There are several ways to maintain pigeons, namely:
First, the equipment needed to maintain the feed pigeons among other places, drink, places to grit, nesting bowl and perches. As for the nest if possible concave. Concave shape will be able to comfortably pigeon for incubating their eggs and prevent small children falling.

Feeding pigeons
give grains such as corn, dry. Giving seeds are still wet or fresh can cause diarrhea or even death in children and adult pigeons. Minimum pigeon feed containing 14% protein content. Consumption of whole grains dove between 100-150 grams/head/day. Feeding should be 2 times a day, ie between sunrise until 9 am and between 4 pm until sunset. Forage intake each day is around 100-150 grams for each pair of pigeons.
Management of maintenance
Pigeons like other birds are easily startled, therefore do not be shocked, especially at night to the parent who was hatching. Shock can result in blurred parent until the morning so that the eggs were incubated to lose heat during the night resulting in the death of the embryo. If no egg is cracked, too small or just not normal should be removed, so the parent pair will spawn again soon. Approximately 17-18 days after incubation, make sure that the egg has hatched and hatched normal children who generally have hairy bodies and eyes still closed. When the hatch is only one tail only, then wait until 2-3 days. After the age of 10 days, the chick should be observed again. Chick eyes will begin to open and the hair begins to grow. At this stage the chick began to utilize grains along with pigeon milk from its mother.

Spawning period
Once the nest is complete prepared or near the end of the settlement, the female will release her eggs first. The second egg is usually released in the next 24 hours. Each time period spawn, can be expected 2 eggs or two pups can be produced. Hatch will start immediately and be done by the couple, both mother and father. More females hatch activity, and males are replaced in a short time from morning till noon. The first egg will hatch in 17-18 days, followed by the second egg the next 48 hours.